♥ MaeKa ♥
constant w.i.p.!
Maeka Sakamoto @ Sargatanas

Rules and Disclaimers
- If my Roleplaying tag is on in-game, that means I'm likely in character. Beyond that, I'm always open to tells for any reason!- In character, MaeKa is a married woman, and faithful to her husband. She is not open for a romantic relationship with anyone else at this time.

Character Sheet

Various, Unsorted Facts
Carrots - MaeKa hates carrots. Immensely. She doesn't understand why people keep offering her them. Then again, she also somewhat considers being called a rabbit insulting, so...Males? - Because of how Viera culture is, MaeKa grew up never knowing about males-- not just of her own kind, but of them in general. Though she's since learned (she IS married to a lovely male hyur, after all), she's still rather genderblind, especially when it comes to other Vieras.Sister - MaeKa has no true sisters by blood, but refers to all Vieras (yes, males included until corrected) as a sister. She also tends to be overprotective of other Vieras, and is always fascinated to hear about their experiences living outside of the forest.Brother? - MaeKa has a twin brother named Akame, who works as a traveling exorcist. The two have managed to never cross paths and don't know of one another.
(Note: Akame has an alt and is available to roleplay with on the rare occasions I'm actually on there. Akame Nakamura @ Sargatanas)Hyur - She thinks Hyurs are adorable. That's it, that's the headcanon.
Unsundered - MaeKa's unsundered self went by the name of Tyche. She was formerly the seat of Emmerelolth, but much like Venat gave up her seat to follow her own path. Tyche was sensitive to Dynamis and capable of seeing it, though with it being such an unexplored concept at the time, she wrote it off as merely her own proficiency with aether and aether sight. She was often found around Elpis, creating various ideas for plant life.
(Note: Tyche is available for roleplaying with outside out of game, due to a lack of an alt for her.)

MaeKa, Ex-Seer of the Ymir Tribe
BasicsName: MaeKa Sakamoto (neé Nakamura, formerly of the Ymir clan)
Age: 152
Nameday: 28th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon
Place of Birth: In the forest surrounding the Skatay Range, Othard
Gender: Female
Race: Veena VieraPhysical DescriptionHeight: 6'5"
Weight: 170 lb.
Hair: Cobalt, down to mid-back and more often than not swept over one of her shoulders.
Eyes: Heterochromia; left eye pale/neon blue, the right cobalt.
Notable Traits: Neon blue, arcane marks along her skin that seem to shimmer and shine. Their brightness varies according to multiple factors.OtherClass(es):
Disciple of War/Magic
- Bard (ARR/HW)
- Red Mage (SB to present, rarely)
- Dancer (ShB to present)
- Samurai (ShB exclusive)
- Machinist (Post-ShB)
- Summoner (EW)
- Sage (EW)Disciple of the Hand/Land
- Culinarian (Specialized)
- Weaver (Specialized)
- Botanist

The Ex-Seer of the Ymir Tribe
Ever since her childhood, there was something peculiar about the cobalt-haired viera. While viera are rather attuned to the mother forest and her voice, MaeKa was particularly receptive to not only hers but the voices of all of her sisters. It became apparent to the elders of her clan that she would be one of the mother forest's beloved, and a blessing to them all. From her young age, she was trained not only in the ways of hunting, but in the ways of the seers. Because of her affinity towards listening to the hearts of others and how the mother forest responded so readily to her, she became her clan's go-to for most problems.Through her life, MaeKa kept an upbeat attitude towards her role, proud of having an important part to play. It wouldn't occur to her until later on in her life just how much of a toll this would take on her however-- to shoulder the burdens of every single one of her sisters would eventually pave the way to insecurities about herself and her own problems. So often was she plagued with the voices of her sisters' crying hearts that she became deaf to the crying of her own.Up until her 150th birthday, MaeKa watched so many of her sisters leave the mother forest's embrace to venture out into the world. So many blessings did she give to those sisters, so many tears shed on behalf of the mother forest left her with a longing of her own. Though she knew her clan needed her, she also had begun to feel that the warm embrace of the forest that she had known all her life had become suffocating. Though sad to see her go, the elders of her clan did give her the go-ahead-- unlike most rava vieras, the veenas of her tribe were much more receptive to their kind leaving the forest.That, however, did not mean there were no consequences.
A Realm Reborn
One hundred and fifty years. Quite a lot can happen in so many years, and yet she knew not of any of it. With naught but simple spoken directions and a very outdated map in hand, the viera made her way to Eorzea with a ship of would-be adventurers and those that also sought a new life.The city-state of Limsa Lominsa was unlike anything she had ever dreamed of, and the starry-eyed woman was quick to run herself into the midsts of it, overly eager to learn all she could about the world. There was so much to take in! Where was one lone viera to start?!Well, she could start by asking for directions.After finding herself seeing what she felt was the same building far too many times, she had eventually looked towards the denizens of the busy city. Before long, she found herself bounding over to the first person to really catch her attention.Jun Sakamoto.At the time, she could not say how or why she had been drawn to him so readily, but with a cheerful greeting and the crumpled map in hand, she asked the young man for directions. His shocked expression upon seeing her left her confused, as did the way his heart had sounded-- such sorrow upon seeing her, but why? She would come to understand in time. At that moment, she had thought it would be a simple inquiry for directions before they would part ways...
... but the pole she ran right into was a clear sign that fate had other plans for them.After walking her through the city and finding out she had nowhere to go or anyone to guide her, Jun took it upon himself. So faithfully did she follow after him, and he in turn taught her about the ways of life outside of the forest. Though most of her life she had been led by others, there was something different when it came to Jun. Her sisters in the forest relied on her, taught her in the ways of her people so that she may be able to serve them best. Jun taught her that it was okay to think of herself for once. She had worth, and he was the one who showed it to her.While he taught her to live for herself, MaeKa came to realize that there was someone else she wanted to live for, more than anything.An incident with a fantasia caused Jun to become more in touch with his... feminine side. While the incident was surprising, MaeKa took it in stride, if not perhaps a bit easier than most would. After all, she spent her life surrounded by other woman. But with a new, unexpected body came unexpected insecurities, and secrets learned. Jun was vulnerable, and without entirely understanding why MaeKa felt compelled to protect her.It didn't take long before the two were able to get their hands on another fantasia, and Jun was back to his old self. Jun came out of the experience with a newfound appreciation for his emotions, letting himself feel outwardly more than he had before (though whether or not that is entirely noticeable is up for debate-- MaeKa seems to notice, at least). But things were said that could never be taken back, feelings that had been left untouched had started to become uncovered. The secret of why the two had been magnetically drawn to one another had been unearthed, and if she was honest she did not know if she was ready to deal with it.How was a woman so new to the world to deal with the knowledge that she and this man she had met not too long ago had done this all before?
Current Day
Monster Hunter World

Another Story
On a shard far apart from Eorzea was a world where monsters roamed free, and the ecosystem teetered on a very careful balance. Hunters of all sorts rose to the occasion to help preserve this balance, training their lives to keep their homes safe. It hadn't been long since a new continent had been discovered, and fleets from all over had been sent to slowly begin to inhabit this new world in hopes of learning more about it. Fleets were sent from the mainland, filled with researchers, hunters, builders, all sorts. This story begins with the fifth fleet, filled with smiling fledgling hunters and experienced warriors who sought to hone their skills.On a fateful day, a woman with hair as deep blue as the ocean itself washed upon its shores, with no home to speak of. She was small, clearly not like the hunters of this world, but that didn't stop her from thriving. She slowly trained amongst these hunters, until she was recognized by the fifth fleet on this new continent. Soon, she was a core part of the fleet itself, a mother figure that wanted nothing but the best for this newfound family of hers. While gentle and kind to those she took under her wing, on the field she was a vicious warrior, a flash of blue that could take down monsters far larger than herself. She was a mistress of the glaive, a cobalt maiden that held the respect of those in her fleet.In a village known as Yukumo, a young man stood a cut above the rest as their beloved samurai. While his origins remained unknown, it was clear he was trained in the art of war, and a fire within that burned with the desire to protect. After an unforunate incident, he had laid his sword down, but fate wasn't done with him. He was one of the elite that was called upon to head to the new world, to help navigate this foreign, untouched territory. While his own tragedies had kept him from the field at first, slowly he grew back into his role as a hunter and once again rose through the ranks. While this new world brought with it new challenges, the Azure Samurai eased back into his role as easily as breathing. He was tenacious, he was unyielding, and any monster that crossed his path had its days numbered.Cobalt and Azure met on a fateful day, a rather unassuming meeting. In the icy terrain of the new base the fifth fleet had set-up, the samurai had been returning home after a hunt as he often did. The maiden, having just been given permission to move to this new base, made it a point to get to know every hunter, researcher, handler, and all else in between. She greeted him with a gentle smile, and he greeted her in return with a few words. They marveled at the fact that their paths hadn't crossed until then-- better late than never, at least.On a particularly cold night, as the rest of the fleet was alive with festivities, the maiden sat out in the snow, relishing in the silence. The samurai, not one for festivities, happened to catch a glimpse of her on his way out, and took a seat by her side. That was the first night they spent talking to one another in depth, each sharing small tidbits about their pasts and inevitably growing more fascinated with the other.Soon, the two began going on expeditions together, watching each other's backs as they wandered through the new world. They were an unstoppable force together, their fighting styles almost always in sync. She found herself seeking out his company when not working at the canteen, and he found he was working less and less solo, and more with her at his side.The cobalt woman, otherworldly as she was, carried with her a condition that needed constant monitoring, Her body was not meant for this world, and without the proper energy to sustain herself, it wasn't long before she fell victim to it. As she pushed herself to her limit, she fell to the ground like a ragdoll, with the samurai being the first to find her. He carried her to his room, intent on looking after her-- after all, he couldn't let a dear friend be left in such a state alone, could he? She was grateful, albeit stubborn about accepting his help at first, feeling she was deserving of punishment for not looking after herself properly. He tried to assure her that it was okay to rely on others, and she was no burden, especially not to him.Her recovery was slow, but he was with her every step of the way. Before long she was back on her feet, with a gratefulness towards the samurai that she could never properly voice. He told her to think not of it, for he was the sort who would lay down his life for the sake of those he cared for.Business began again as usual for them, hunting day in and day out as more of this new world was discovered. Come the discovery of a strange area known as the Gathering Lands, they were two of the first to map it out in its entirety, spending weeks at a time out in its depths. He showed her his little tips and tricks for navigating around, and in return she kept watch over him on their expeditions, making sure the two were fed and rested on the longer forays away.

Available Services
World Building Roleplay - A good way to develop a character is through their relationships with others. Being a non-Warrior of Light with an intricate backstory of her own, MaeKa offers an interesting perspective and relationship with your character that can help both of them grow and evolve!In-Character Dungeon Running - Going through your MSQ? Got an idea for why in the world you're running a low level dungeon this late in the game? MaeKa is here to offer in-sight and chatter, all while fulfilling whatever role you might need-- dps, tank or healer!Sidequests - Need to make some gil, or looking for fun prizes? MaeKa's got plenty of errands she needs running! Check in with her and see if she has any on-going quests that need doing, from collecting materials or various knickknacks, to having a bodyguard while she explores a dungeon! Her rewards vary and are negotiable!Companionship - Need someone to talk to? MaeKa is available for conversation! Whether you'd like to speak to her in character or out, she's quite the chatterbox!
Active Sidequests
Quests for Disciples of War or MagicEveryone Can Use a Hug - The always excitable viera has a well-meaning but perhaps unwise goal today: to hug as many tonberries as she can! Of course, it wouldn't do any good for a lady to go on such a dangerous mission alone! It's your job to accompany her as she makes her way through the Wanderer's Palace, warding off any potential threats, and trying to convince her NOT to try and hug the very large tonberry with a very lethal knife.Quests for Disciples of Land or HandIt Isn't Too Hard To See - Being a viera, MaeKa is very attuned to nature and aether, and she's heard word of a flower that's naturally attuned to astral aether. She's looking for a gleaner that is willing to accompany her to gather some! Rumor has it this flower only blooms at a specific time, and she would like to be there to see it happen!

Other Services
Omnicrafter/Gatherer - Running pentamelded crafter gear, it gets the job done well enough! (Though between you and me, I have some catching up to do on those DoH job quests, ehehe...) I'm always looking for things to do in my off-time! Need something crafted, or need someone to gather mats for you in bulk? Hit me up! Specialist in CUL, WVR and GSM!Photographer - Spare time GPoser, will happily take pictures of your handsome, beautiful, and adorable Warriors of Lights! ( See Photo Gallery )Barding - Nothing professional, often times just playing whatever music I like, but available if you need someone to bard in your venue! I'm open to suggestions for my repertoire! ( See Barding Carrd )Raiding - Currently in a static, progging P8S! Also usually available to farm old content for glam, mats, mounts, etc.!Discord - I am more often than not available, even when I'm not in-game! If you need to reach me, I can be found either in Azure Oasis's venue discord, or at MaeKa#2457 ! I'm always happy to make new friends, so feel free to send a message! Please say who you are, of course.
Favorite Places
Venues MaeKa often frequents! Don't be surprised to see her hanging around a few of these places.
The Gathering Hub
Main Location: Sargatanas - Shirogane - Ward 15 - Plot 32
Operating Hours: At owner's discretionMaeKa's very own venue! The huntress brings a slice of another world she calls home to those in Eorzea, and the shards beyond! She offers food and drink to all hunters, and helps manage hunts with the Hunter's Guild, with the help of her husband and a good friend.carrd: The Gathering Hub
Azure Oasis
Gilgamesh - Goblet - Ward 5 - Plot 53
Operating Hours: Sunday 9pm-midnight CST and Wednesday11:30-3am CSTA lovely venue out in Ul'dah, run by a friend! MaeKa works here part-time and is either serving guests or occasionally on stage playing whatever songs she can think of before she's off on another adventure with Clarion himself!carrd: Azure Oasis

Roleplay Hooks
Viera - MaeKa will always be fond of all of her sisters and brothers of the forest. She's most receptive towards any of her own race, almost immediately warming to them. She is especially fascinated by those that left the forest earlier than herself, or those that were born outside of the forest and have never known its embrace. She's also particularly interested in male vieras, having been seperated from males of her kind for as long as she had been.
Hunter - For those that are foreigners to the Source, or even the First, MaeKa can certainly relate! She has vivid memories of a time in another world, where monsters and humans co-exist, a delicate balance having to be kept. Have you seen the wyvern in Othard known as the Rathalos? She knows that one quite well-- after all, they come from the same world! She's happy to tell tales of her times as a huntress, and answer any questions one might have about worlds outside of this one!
Othard - Hailing from the Skatay Range, MaeKa is no stranger to most of Othard's wilderness. She also knows quite a bit about Dalmasca, from those that have passed through her forests. If she catches wind of people being from the Far East in her neck of the woods, she'll almost immediately be receptive to conversation-- she is a tad homesick, after all.
Venue Hopper - If MaeKa is alone in a venue, then she's absolutely open for conversation! She's never one to start a conversation herself, only because she's fond of people watching. But that doesn't mean she doesn't like being spoken to! If someone approaches her, she's happy to reply. It especially makes her happy when someone's recognized her from another venue, if only because she's constantly going to different ones.
Bard - She is utterly fond of music. If you see her playing in a venue, you're more than welcome to talk to her after the performance-- she can't exactly reply while playing. If you are someone who also bards, then she would love to talk about it!
Ears - ... You ever just, like, really wanna pet a viera's ears? They look soft and fluffy, don't they? Well if you approach her and ask, she's more than likely going to say yes!
Limsa Lominsa - Despite her home being in Shirogane, MaeKa takes the time to travel to Limsa to do much of her shopping and business. Being a rather vibrantly dressed viera, it would be no surprise if you've seen her walking around the city.
Maelstrom - Surprisingly, the somewhat airheaded viera is rather high-ranking in Maelstrom, holding the title of Storm Captain. (For the longest time, there was confusion whenever someone called for Lieutenant Sakamoto-- nowadays, that would be her husband.) She's proactive in donating things to the Maelstrom forces, from homecooked meals to armor, and is quick to answer the call when they are in need. She's also occasionally active on the Frontlines, and even participates in the Crystalline Conflict now and again!

'my heart is made of the hearts of all those that have crossed my path.'

Jun Sakamoto
HusbandHer beloved warrior of light, and her better half.
**Grimyri of Radiata **
FriendA dear friend, who has the misfortune of putting up with her antics!

Clarion Aster
'Boss'/FriendOwner of the Azure Oasis, and an adventuring buddy.